Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)

MFL is currently being led by Claire Bader, Oliver Stephens and Tracy Cruise.


Discovering new words, exploring new cultures. 

Through the teaching of Modern Foreign Languages, we intend to provide children with a gateway to other cultures, to prepare children to be a global citizen now and in their future roles within a multi-cultural community. We aim to grow children's confidence and curiosity when learning languages, building firm foundations for future language learning.  


Pupils across KS2 at Coads Green Primary School are taught Spanish. This has recently been developed and is taught by a Higher Level Teaching Assistant who speaks the language confidently.

Pupils are engaged in high quality and enjoyable sessions where they learn to foster their curiosity and deepen their understanding about Spain.

They are taught to converse in practical situations and learn new ways of thinking.


Assessment in Coads Green Primary School is viewed as building a picture over time of a child's learning progress across the curriculum and is viewed as an integral part of teaching and learning.  

Assessment for learning (AFL) and Visible Learning underpin all learning. A variety of feedback is used to inform the pupils about their learning so that they become more involved in their own learning and from this gain confidence in what they are expected to learn and how to progress it further. 

Core success criteria and learning intentions are used to track pupils understanding of their learning.

Pupil Retrieval Practices include: 

KWL grids, quizzes, concept/ mind maps, questioning, success criteria, learning intentions and pupil targets. 


Whole School Tracking and Progress 

Coads Green Primary School uses iTRACK which is the online pupil tracking software that uses powerful data analysis to track pupil progress and attainment in real time.